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Chapter details

There are different cache services implemented within i-Publisher. Each of them is designed to manage the caching of a certain type of business object. However, there is one cache provider that is meant to cache only the HTML of a certain page, so that it would not be necessary for each page to be rendered every time it is requested. This is the com.tetracom.atlas.iviewer.web.cache.PrimaryCacheProvider implementing the IPrimaryCacheProvider located in the same package. Like all cache providers, this one extends the com.tetracom.atlas.cache.abstr.impl.ACacheImpl abstract cache object. The HTML is cached as a byte array and the key is the Atlas request (read more about Atlas request in the iViewer chapters) with all its parameters. Unlike other cache services, this one is permanent. Some site, page or widget services may trigger the clearing of this cache for a certain page or even website, but from time to time it should be cleared manually.